You really want me to type that all out? Ok here goes.
Event Capabilities
publish_events x
delete_others_events x
edit_others_events x
delete_events x
edit_events x
read_private_events x
Recurring Event Capabilities
publish_recurring_events x
delete_others_recurring_events x
edit_others_recurring_events x
delete_recurring_events x
edit_recurring_events x
Location Capabilities
publish_locations x
delete_others_locations x
edit_others_locations x
delete_locations x
edit_locations x
read_private_locations x
read_others_locations x
Other Capabilities
delete_event_categories x
edit_event_categories x
manage_others_bookings x
manage_bookings x
upload_event_images x
Event Capabilities
publish_events x
delete_others_events x
edit_others_events x
delete_events x
edit_events x
read_private_events x
Recurring Event Capabilities
publish_recurring_events x
delete_others_recurring_events x
edit_others_recurring_events x
delete_recurring_events x
edit_recurring_events x
Location Capabilities
publish_locations x
delete_others_locations x
edit_others_locations x
delete_locations x
edit_locations x
read_private_locations x
read_others_locations x
Other Capabilities
delete_event_categories x
edit_event_categories x
manage_others_bookings x
manage_bookings x
upload_event_images x
As I said I’ve set up the edit with exactly the same rights as Admin.