If you want to change the date format for all places on your website, you can customize what the #_EVENTDATES placeholder outputs (see post above). Basically you need to just replace the “/” separators with “.” separators.
However, if you want your date to have full control over how your date is displayed – and to display it differently in e.g. the sidebar widget than on the events page you will need to stop using the #_EVENTDATES placeholder and instead use directly the standard WordPress Date/Time format strings.
For instance, you could create a shortcode to use in a page/post:
[events_list scope="future" orderby="event_start_date,?event_name" order="ASC" limit="6"]
<div class="eventWrapper">
<div class="eventImage"><a href="#_EVENTURL">#_EVENTIMAGE{600,450}</a></div>
<div class="eventDate">#_1gwpiim.#_{m}.#_{Y}
<div class="eventCategory">#_CATEGORYNAME
<div class="eventTitle"><a href="#_EVENTURL">#_EVENTNAME</a></div>
<div class="eventExcerpt">#_EVENTEXCERPT{25,...}</div>
<div class="eventExcerptReadmore"><a href="#_EVENTURL">Read more</a></div></div>
For a full list of all possible Format Strings for Date and Time, go here: