• andrebalza


    Just starting to plan a hybrid app based on wordpress-hybrid-client.
    Just wondering if out there someone already tried using event organiser as read-only backend, feeding data to the app via JSON, willing to share experience and best practices.

    Stephen, ever thought about releasing a JSON API, or integrating with https://v2.wp-api.org/ to have a single endpoint for all wordpress data?

    Thanks to everyone



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  • Plugin Author Stephen Harris


    Hi Andrea,

    Support for the REST API is planned for 3.1.0 – but will require WordPress 4.5+. I’ve only just started looking at it myself, so I can’t offer any advise just yet.

    Hi Stephen,
    I’ve seen that you have already made some specification document in github for this.. But I’m not been able to access them using /events. Is it currently working in version 3.1.0?

    Any other alternative to access them using JSON?

    Thanks in advance!

    Plugin Author Stephen Harris


    Hi juangz,

    It was decided to keep it out of the core plugin for the time being as it’s not yet feature complete. However, most endpoints have been completed and it is available here: https://github.com/stephenharris/Event-Organiser-rest-api

    Great! I just installed it and it’s working like a charm!


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