Event page does not show ticket purchase information at all
It is just a standard single.php page.
Hey @localgrr,
Based on the limited information we have here, this could be any number of problems. The issue could range from the event not having a complete configuration, all the way to a line in your custom single.php is preventing the interface from showing up. Without more information, this is a pretty broad problem to cover, but I will attempt to describe: how the interface is drawn, what the prerequisites for drawing that UI are, and what the common stumbling points are during event configuration.
First, a brief description of how the UI gets drawn. When the event page loads, the WordPress Loop starts. In the Loop, one of the functions that gets called (typically) is get_the_content() (or the_content()). That function incorporates a filter called ‘the_content’. Our plugin hooks that filter, adds the ticket selection UI to the output of the get_the_content() function, which is then drawn on the page by your theme. Obviously, if the get_the_content() or the_content() function is never called (some themes try to reinvent the wheel in this aspect), then our code is never called, which means that the UI is never rendered. I would make sure that this step is being taken by your theme, and if it is not, rectify that problem.
In addition to the above, there is a bit of Javascript that runs after the page loads. This Javascript basically redraws the entire form, so that it can be updated via AJAX, and so that submissions of the form can also be processed via AJAX. If the Javascript is not loading (called ui.js), then that could be the source of the problem as well. Sometimes themes unset JS from loaded, erroneously. I would verify that the js file is still allowed to load in your theme. You could also ‘disable javascript’ (most modern browsers have a way to do this), and try to load the page. If you get some different output, then the problem could be the JS not loading.
Next, there are certain things that are required in order for our code to actually draw the UI. Your event must be of a status that your current user can view. If you are an anonymous user, you can only see public events. If you are an admin you can also see private event (and hidden events, which are slightly different). You may also need to supply a password to view the event, if you set a password for the event.
You also need to make sure you have set the ‘venue’ and ‘event area’ for your child event. Assigning the venue helps you to filter the list of event areas that you can assign. The event area is perhaps the most important setting on the event, because it provides almost all of the information needed to accept tickets. For instance, the ‘image’ for the ‘place’ the event is transpiring at, is attached to the event area. The ticket price for the event, is assigned to the event area. The capacity for the event, is a property of the event area.
All of that leads into this section, the common stumbling blocks. First, if you have not done so, I urge you to watch and follow the instructions depicted in this video which show the exact, minimum requirement steps to successfully setting up your first event. You can find links to more videos about the various features of the software on our videos page of our website.
The most common over looked step is making sure that you ‘publish’ the child events. Each child event (the events in the list below the calendar in the edit event page) can each have their own status and visibility, which all default to ‘pending’ until you set a value. Change this by selecting all of the child events (click the first one, then shift click the last one) and change the ‘status’ to ‘published’ and the ‘visibility’ to ‘public’.
Next most common mistake is to make sure you select the appropriate event area. Remember, from above, that the ‘event area’ is the most important setting on the event settings. If that is not selected, or not set to the one you think it is, then everything could be awry.
Third most common mistake is to verify that your event area actually has a ‘capacity’. The capacity is the upward limit of the number of tickets available for the event. If this is blank, or set to 0, then your users will not be able to select tickets for the event.
If none of these answers lead to a solution, then we can still help. That help however will require that substantially more information about the problem be provided. Right now all I have to go on is basically ‘something is not working, can you help fix it’. Sometimes this is enough, but most of the time, in order to be sufficient help, we have to be able to at least narrow down what the problem is not, so that we can figure out what it could be. To do that, we need more info.
Let me know how it goes,
LoushouI assume this helped you come up with a final solution here. I am going to close this out, but if you still need help, let me know.
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