• Resolved nualla


    Where can i change the PERMALINKS “category” in event calendar?
    i mean …/events/category/…
    –> “category” change to “Kategorie” after translation in german.
    But now the calendar can’t find the pages?!
    When i’m in Permalinks DEFAULT it works but that isn’t nice… in Postname didn’t works. The Problem is “category / kategorie” i see this problems also in the console but i don’t know how i can change it. i’m beginner in html.
    i hope somebody can help me. thanks very nualla

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  • Hi @nualla,

    Thanks for the report! What you describe appears to be a legitimate bug and and one that is currently in our system.

    While I don’t have a concrete timeframe for when it will be patched up, I’ve noted this thread in the ticket and will do my best to follow up with you directly here when it’s released! In the meantime, the recommended temporary workaround for this issue is to leave your category slug as “category”. You can read more about translating page slugs in WPML on their own documentation here.

    Thanks again for the heads up and for your patience while we work on this!

    Good evening,

    I have great news. A workaround is available.

    The following idea from a fellow customer will solve the taxonomy issue (as well as other things you might need: https://theeventscalendar.com/support/forums/topic/disable-wpml-translation-for-tribe_events-2/)

    I have added a wpml-config.xml to my theme’s folder and made sure that the following line was in there and it fixes the whole translation of events category!

    <taxonomy translate=”1″>tribe_events_cat</taxonomy>

    Of course, you might want to remove the other lines in there that you are not interested in.

    Best regards,

    Geoff B.


    Just wanted to share with you that a new maintenance release (for the Week of 26th June 2017) is out, including a fix for this issue ??

    Find out more about this release → https://theeventscalendar.com/maintenance-release-week-26th-june-2017/

    Please update the plugins and let us know if the fix works for your site,

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