I’m building a website for a training company.
They want users to be able to enter their postcode, select a course and all the training locations that run that course are returned.
They want the available dates for that course and training location to be selectable from the training location search results.
I’ve therefore used Events Manager to create the courses for the various dates and locations and I’m using Store Locator Plus for the training locations search option.
The shortcodes you provided worked great at listing events when used on the location pages created with events manager.
As far as integrating the 2 plugins, I’ve done nothing more than try and use the same shortcode with the Store Locator Plus plugin.
The Store Locator Plus plugin, uses the following code to output the search results and as you can see below, I’ve added the shortcode in at the bottom.
'resultslayout' =>
'<div id="slp_results_[slp_location id]" class="results_entry [slp_location featured]">
<div class="results_row_left_column" id="slp_left_cell_[slp_location id]" >
<span class="location_name">[slp_location name]</span>
<span class="location_distance">[slp_location distance_1] [slp_location distance_unit]</span>
<div class="results_row_center_column" id="slp_center_cell_[slp_location id]" >
<span class="slp_result_address slp_result_street">[slp_location address]</span>
<span class="slp_result_address slp_result_street2">[slp_location address2]</span>
<span class="slp_result_address slp_result_citystatezip">[slp_location city_state_zip]</span>
<span class="slp_result_address slp_result_country">[slp_location country]</span>
<span class="slp_result_address slp_result_phone">[slp_location phone]</span>
<span class="slp_result_address slp_result_fax">[slp_location fax]</span>
<div class="results_row_right_column" id="slp_right_cell_[slp_location id]" >
<span class="slp_result_contact slp_result_website">[slp_location web_link]</span>
<span class="slp_result_contact slp_result_email">[slp_location email_link]</span>
<span class="slp_result_contact slp_result_directions"><a href="https://[slp_location map_domain]/maps?saddr=[slp_location search_address]&daddr=[slp_location location_address]" target="_blank" class="storelocatorlink">[slp_location directions_text]</a></span>
<span class="slp_result_contact slp_result_hours">[slp_location hours]</span>
[slp_location iconarray wrap="fullspan"]
[slp_location socialiconarray wrap="fullspan"]
[events_list]<p class="courseDetail #_CATEGORYID #_LOCATIONID">#_EVENTLINK #_EVENTDATES</p>[/events_list]