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  • If you want the event time to show after the title you ned to fix a bug (that should be fixed in 2.0.7).

    Edit …../all-in-one-event-calendar/public/vortex/twig/month.twig – starting at line 56:


    {% if event.is_allday %}
             <span class="ai1ec-event-time">
                        {{ event.get_runtime( 'short_start_time' ) }}
    {% endif %}


    {% if not event.is_allday %}
             <span class="ai1ec-event-time">
                        {{ event.get_runtime( 'short_start_time' ) }}
    {% endif %}

    If you want it BEFORE the title I recommend creating a child theme. Do the change above (to fix the bug in the default theme), create your child them, then in the child theme edit month.twig and move the new section of code above the title code (which is immediately above it) – starting line 53:

    <span class="ai1ec-event-title">
        {{ event.get_runtime( 'filtered_title' ) | raw }}
    Thread Starter JCC Website Admin


    I did almost exactly as you said (I say almost because the root was actually /all-in-one-event-calendar/public/themes-ai1ec/vortex/twig/month.twig, not trying to be obnoxious just not sure if that is waht made a difference or not) unfortunatly it is still not showing the times…

    No you’re right I missed a piece of the path.

    You need to clear the ai1ec cache to get it to work.

    Easiest way is to rename the twig directory in …../all-in-one-event-calendar/cache/ and then refresh the page. Rename it to something like oldtwig.

    If your permissions are ok, it will re-create that dir (and all the subdirs under it) then you can delete the renamed dir (eg: delete oldtwig).

    If your permissions aren’t correct, ai1ec will not be able to create the dir (probably producing an error and disabling the plugin, so you will want to rename oldtwig back to twig and then re-enable the plugin so that people can at least use your site.

    Note: If your cache permissions are wrong, you need fix them so the webserver user can write to them. It should be fine though as otherwise you’d have other errors. That said, I always recommend the rename/test/delete method, as it gives you a fallback in case there is an issue.

    PS: The cache normally updates after a while, but it’s set long to avoid server load. Also, if you edit a theme while it’s in use, the changes don’t get picked up till the cache expires. All that said, even if you edit a theme that isn’t in use, it still seems it may be cached if it was used recently.

    Thread Starter JCC Website Admin


    Wonderful! That worked perfectly ?? Thank you so much!

    I will mark this as resolved, but curious about if there might be a way to get the times to show before the event name instead of after without having to create a child theme? (I think thats a bit above my programing skills… which arent much!)

    The code on line 53 in month.twig already reads

    <span class="ai1ec-event-title">
        {{ event.get_runtime( 'filtered_title' ) | raw }}

    Thanks so much for your help, and easy to follow instructions!

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