• Hi – am using the EventCalendar 3.0 plugin with WordPress 2.0.3 with much success!

    My question, though, is whether or not there is a way to display a page with a list of my older/past-date events (in the same way I can view the future events) ?

    I have thought about creating two categories, one “Future Events” and one “Past Events” … however, then that requires that I include all blog posts on the calendar … which is something I don’t want to do. I just want have events on the calendar, but I would also like a way to list “recent events” easily.


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  • Thornomad, did you find a solution for this? I’m having the same issue and before I go digging and hunting, I thought I’d see if anyone found a solution.

    I started this post long ago and the site I’m trying to get working is Left Coast Writers (click on both the calendar link at the top for the full-page calendar (which does seem to highlight the DATE when there is an event, but doesn’t show the event title … hmm) and the sidebar “Calendar” link which shows just upcoming events (which is fine)).

    I’m thinking as you are, to create another category “Event Archives” but then I’d have to REMOVE them all from the category EC3 uses and put them in an “Events Archives” category or something. Not exactly automated.

    With the new EventCalendar 3.1 you can use… ?ec3_before=today


    Alex – I’m trying to do the same thing as these guys but can’t figure out how to use ?ec3_before=today.

    I have the EventCalendar (3.1.0) up and working beautifully, but I’d like to be able to display past events after future events on my ‘Events’ category page – how do I do this? What code do I need to tweak?

    I have looked through the plugin website but can’t figure it out. Hope you can help. Thanks!

    Okay, I think I figured it out. I had to call my events category in the URL, and by setting an “after” date in the past I’m able now to see all my events, past and future, so:


    Hope this helps someone else. This is a great plugin!

    Hi all, i want to share what i’ve done…
    https://ethnics.com/blog/category/events/ –> future events
    https://ethnics.com/blog/category/events/?ec3_before=today –> past event

    i hope this helps… thanks to Alex for this great plugin…

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