I’m using WordPress 3.0.1 and the EventPress plugin.
I would like to know, how to display the date of an events in the “upcoming events” widget. can you help me?
Hi — at the moment there’s no easy way to do this. I’ll try to see if I can push some options into this widget about which fields to display in the 0.1.2 release (can’t promise, though).
Is there any sort of documentation for this plugin? Beyond how to activate it in the plugin manager I mean.
There’s a fairly decent amount of internal documentation if you want to look into the code. However, there’s no external documentation atm.
Is there anything out there as far as even doing simple things like displaying a list of events? I’ve googled for articles about it, but I didn’t find anything other then announcements about the plugin.
EP is a relatively young plugin. My first priority is to make it (and the corresponding BuddyPress Custom Posts) completely stable with automated testing (considering the feature list, manually testing it in WordPress, then in BuddyPress is extremely painful) , then add docs for BPCP for developers to be able to extend it, and then move on to EventPress documentation.
As for an events list, if you don’t have pretty permalinks a https://myurl.com/?post_type=ep_event or if you do have pretty permalinks https://myurl.com/events/ will display a complete list. A page is also created automatically for a calendar and an events list, but not published by default. So you can publish those pages if you want to be able to add them to the menu by default.
What I’m trying to accomplish is two things. The first is to display the next event upcoming in a featured area with the date and time as well as a permalink to the events page.
Secondly I’m trying to display a list of upcoming events only by date with the title of the link being the date.
Not sure if either of these are possible, but from what I gather it should be, and I’ve been able to do some rudimentary displaying of the events title and permalink. But do you have any suggestions on how to tackle these two problems?
The best way would be to do a custom post type query — events are stored with the type ep_event, with registrations being stored as ep_reg.
So just do a
query_posts( Array( 'post_type' => 'ep_event' ) )
and you can use the standard template tags within the loop; wp specific tags are in views/wp-tags.php and the name should more or less tell you what each tag is for; if you still need to dig deeper into the post type metadata (which you probably shouldn’t have to), then the dates, etc. are stored in _ep_<type name>. This bit is carried out in controllers/wp.php — so you can see exactly what is being saved where in case you want to specifically query for it.Sorry if I’m being a pain. But hopefully this all helps anyone else trying to do something similar.
What I’ve been using was
<?php query_posts( Array( 'post_type' => 'ep_event', 'orderby' => 'meta_value', 'meta_key' => '_ep_start', 'order' => 'DESC', 'showposts' => 6 ) );?>
But it shows past events and I only want upcoming events displayed in that query. I also can’t suss out how to get another query to only display the next upcoming event only.
Also, I looked into the date tags, but I’m not sure how too change the structure of the date format displayed. I think I figured out how to display the machine readable date, but not a custom format for it.
I want to have F l and S separately wrapped in a sup tag.So this will show only all events that have starting date in descending order. To show only upcoming events, you’ll have to compare the string with the current date, so something like
$query_posts( Array(
'post_type' => 'ep_event',
'meta_key' => '_ep_start',
'order' => 'DESC',
'orderby' => 'meta_value',
'meta_compare' => '>=',
'meta_value' => time()
) );
worked fine for me — it only show events with start dates higher than right now.As for date tags, they currently display the date/time based on your blog settings; to really get fine grained control I’d suggest rolling your own template tags to get_post_meta( $postid, ‘_ep_start’, true ) and then displaying them using PHPs date function, or date_i18n if internationalization is an issue for you.
Also to just get the next upcoming event, you could order them in ascending order, compare with >= time() to get only upcoming events, and limit results to a single event.
That would just show the next event in the list.
<?php echo date("F j", get_post_meta($post->ID, '_ep_start', true));?>
This works for formatting the dates if anyone else needs this.
Just want to say thank you. THANK YOU! I pray you continue to enhance this one as I believe it to be one of the most desirable plugins to have. When I saw “Triple J”‘s name on it, I knew it would be solid and I am not disappointed.
This is working really nicely in my buddypress site https://OneontaWellness.com although still in development, this will give me what I need to manage events.
Thanks. Passed on the link to JJJ too ;). Your site looks good — you might want to over-ride the following styles, though. To match your colour scheme.
[CSS moderated as per the Forum Rules.]
kunalb, I think you hasn’t got alert about:
Please look at that…Hmm … true. Didn’t get any mail for that post, which is strange. Looking into it now.
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