• I am using WordPress 2.8.5 and Events Calendar 6.6-beta.

    In the Edit Post or Edit Page window, there is the “Publish” box which containts the following info, with an edit link behind each one

    Status: Published                    Edit
    Visibility: Public                   Edit
    Published on: Sep 23, 2009 @ 12:47   Edit

    Normally, upon clicking edit, some additional controls and buttons are revealed in order to edit these things.

    However, with Events Calendar 6.6-beta activated, clicking on these edit links does nothing.

    When the plugin is deactivated, everything works fine.


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  • i have the same problem (2.8.5 and 6.6 beta) with only events calendar activated
    safari 4.0.3, firefox 3.5.4 under osX snow leopard 10.6.1

    and with firefox 3.5.3 under windows XP

    i haven’t this problem with opera 10.0 under osX snow leopard 10.6.1, IE 8.0.6001 and Opera 10.0 under windows XP

    Also got this. Tips on good calendars with features like scheduling of events an option to comment on event, would be much appreciated. ??




    The same for me! Tags and visibility options don’t work any longer… I find more and more bugs… I will look for a fix and let you guys know if I found one.



    Found the solution thanks to Florian on https://www.wp-eventscalendar.com

    Edit “events-calendar.php”, go to function EventsCalendarINIT() and add the following line:

    function EventsCalendarINIT() {
    $svr_uri = $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’];
    //end bugfix

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