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  • Hi,

    what version were you using before upgrading?Doesevent have correct start/end time?

    Thread Starter Hope



    Thanks for your reply! I was using Version 1.10.9-standard.
    Yes, The start/end time is correct (on the administration side).

    When you say that the events do not appear on the front side, you mean that you have a celndar with no events, right?Can you try to manually re save some events to see if they appear also on the front end?

    Thread Starter Hope



    I was trying on a local site.
    When i tried on the live one, the whole system stopped ?? I had to remove the plugin (physically)to return the website up… What could the problem be? knowing that the local one is a copy of the live one?
    I hope I can retrieve the events back ??


    Probably something failed during upgrade. How did you remove the plugin?if you removed it using ftp events should be in the db. When the system stopped, do you see errors in the PHP error log?

    Thread Starter Hope


    Thanks for your reply!

    I copied the older plugin folder but I cannot activate the plugin. I get this error when I try to activate it.

    What could the problem be?


    Thread Starter Hope


    Here’s the mentioned line in the previous error.

    I hope I could solve this issue soon, I stopped the whole calendar from the last week.

    Thanks for your support.

    Hi, you are still using version 1.10.9, it’s too old you must use 2.1.9 ( or 2.1.5 if you prefer ) we can’t support code which is so old

    Thread Starter Hope


    If I installed the latest plugin normally (from the wordpress interface), does this affect the data in the plugin’s tables? will the tables be overwritten? I want to try a fresh installation of the plugin since the update is not working.

    Thanks for your support

    Te best way is to upgrade is manually ftp the files. So you can deactivate 1.10.9 and then delete the plugin with ftp and then put in a new one.
    Do not delete plugin from wordpresss dashboard as it would delete all data.
    Our Data is stored in wp_ai1ec in addition to standard wordpress tables. The only fear i have is for start/end dates of event, i don’t remember if 1.10.9 has already the new way of storing them.

    After you activate 2.1.9 if you have errors, try steps from one to 3 as detailed here

    Thread Starter Hope


    I deleted the plugin folder and copied the new one then activated the plugin. Now, the administration area (wp-admin) doesn’t open (a white page appears) while the front interface opens and the calendar shows the events but when I try to open an event, a white page appears.

    Strange issue! Any expected reason behind this? I deleted the folder to be able to work on the admin interface.


    When you see a blank page, do you have errors in the error log?If you have, can you copy them here?
    Also when you have a blank page try

    1) at the beginning of all-in-one-event-calendar.php on line 12 add
    define( ‘AI1EC_THEME_COMPATIBILITY_FER’, false ); to Enable Front end rendering

    2) force debug mode just for one or two requests. To do so add

    define( ‘AI1EC_DEBUG’, true );

    on line 12 ( or on line 13 if you used point 1 ) and then refresh the calendar page once or twice. this refreshes all caches ( TWIG, CSS and so on ) and has a BIG performance hit. So after 1 or 2 refreshes you must delete this.

    Thread Starter Hope


    Thanks a lot, it worked with me but I forgot to reply :S
    Thanks again

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