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  • Plugin Author Stephen Harris


    Hi Zwene,

    In what way do the users not have access to the events? Do you mean they have ‘private’ status?

    Thread Starter zwene


    Hi Stephen,

    no, private events are working fine.

    But if you use a group or role access plugin like groups or wordpress access areas which are giving you the possibility to shrink the accessibility of posts, pages and custom post type objects by custom capabilities or roles, the event list works fine and the fullcalendar show only public events.

    I made a little live demonstration for you with a clean wp install and wp access areas:

    1. I create four example events and shrink 1 to private, 1 to registered users, 1 to author role and 1 to unregistered guests.

    2. I log out.

    3. At the event list on

    I see only the one event I have access to as guest.

    4. At the fullcalendar on

    I see this one event, too. As guest there is all ok.

    5. I log in as author.

    6. In the event list I see the three events the author has access to (public, author, registered):

    7. In the fullcalendar I see only the public event:

    8. As administrator it’s the same (+ the private event in the event list).

    I hope, now you can better obey me? If it will help, I can send you the author account informations or a duplicate of the test site.


    Thread Starter zwene


    Amendment: I found out something. After I save or publish an event, all events but the private event are visible in the fullcalendar, too. And identical for all users (guests, administrator, author, …). Is the fullcalendar having it’s own cache or something and get’s the same status for all users after refresh because an update of events? And if so, how can I switch off this cache?

    (snih = office account from zwene)

    Hi Stephen,

    sorry, I overlooked your answer in the other thread

    Now it’s clear that the fullcalendar is really caching. A way to bypass or an option to disable the cache for such interactive cases will be great. ??


    Plugin Author Stephen Harris


    Yup, it is caching. Will look to providing away of disabling this. Some form of solution will be present in next update.

    For the time being you can edit this line:

    Thread Starter zwene


    Thank you for all! Since I commented the line

    //$calendar = get_transient('eo_full_calendar_public');

    out all works fine. ?? If you make this optional in the next update event organiser will be one of two (!!!) wordpress calendars in the moment who are looking for the access rights of the current user.


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