Thanks, Angelo. But those don’t seem to have an effect. I have the ‘current events as past events’ set to ‘no’. And i tried putting the long_events arg in as shown here.
Here’s my events-list-grouped.php code :
if( get_option('dbem_css_evlist') ) echo "<div class='css-events-list'>";
if( empty($args['category']) ){
$args['category'] = '124';
$_REQUEST['category'] = '124';
$args['long_events'] = 1;
echo '<div class="smallbox-right-border">'.kumu_emscalendar().'</div><div style="clear:both;"></div>';
echo EM_Events::output_grouped($args); //note we're grabbing the content, not em_get_events_list_grouped function
if( get_option('dbem_css_evlist') ) echo "</div>";
Do i have the $arg for long_events correct?
My long events do show up in my Calendar, but not the group list.