• Hi – I am having difficulty with my “Event Listings” page.

    I am using Users Ultra to lock my pages from view unless a user is a registered member & logged in.

    I have my “Event Listings” page locked, but in all 3 browsers (chrome, firefox & safari) – anyone can click on “Event Listings” and it brings up my page (wrong format, but it brings it up). It is also allowing anyone not registered nor signed in to drill down into events to view details since it is allowing access to the main event listing page.

    I have sent a request for assistance over to UU – but I wanted to ask here if there is any part of Event Manager you can think of that could be overriding the UU settings to block this page? All of my other pages are locked (minus the home page, contact & terms) and are working perfectly not allowing access.

    Only the Events Manager pages are doing this. This is extremely important as why would anyone register for this info if they can get to it without registering.

    Thanks for your help.

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  • Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    EM is using custom post types and can I know if your custom plugin or theme is supporting custom post type ?


    Thread Starter Momshof


    I am using the latest version of Divi by Elegant Themes. I believe it supports custom post types. I have events set to display as pages.

    I found instructions here & at ET prior to add a bit of code so EM would work with Divi. These bits have been added already:

    function fix_em_divi_problem(){
    if( is_admin() ){
    remove_action(‘parse_query’, array(‘EM_Event_Post’,’parse_query’));
    remove_action(‘restrict_manage_posts’, array(‘EM_Event_Posts_Admin’,’restrict_manage_posts’));
    add_action(‘admin_init’, ‘fix_em_divi_problem’);

    2. – made page full width
    1. Made a copy of page.php
    2. Renamed it to single-event.php and placed it in divi-child theme folder
    3. Deleted the line: <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    4. Added to the options of events-manager –> event-pages settings area –> in the Body Classes text box:


    and saved settings.

    I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t affect this issue. That said, it would be worth testing with the default WordPress theme to rule out a theme problem.

    Is Users Ultra compatible with custom post types? That might be the issue here.

    Thread Starter Momshof


    That I am not sure about & I have not been able to get a response from UU. I was hoping you might have worked with another person who has used them in conjunction (like you have with Divi/Elegant Themes).

    For now I maneuvered a work around – sort of. In UU there are settings that if someone is not logged in it will show the 404 page (vs the “You must be a “Certain Membership Type” to access this page”). So – I have changed my 404 page to basically state you must be a member – please choose which membership you need to access this page (nicer than that, but I am sure you get the gist). And the only ones who can not get there now are those not registered. I had to change and let non-paying members access that part of my site as I am basically out of time and need to have this live Wednesday.

    If you think of anything that might assist – please let me know. Thanks for your help.

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