• The Events Manager plugin is kind of a dead end at the moment, where the developers refuse to adopt block editing and only delivers support to Pro customers.

    Though, I’m updating our webpage (to a FSE theme) and have lots of events with this plugin and I hesitant to change to another plugin.

    Most things actually works with Gutenberg (with some minor fixes, lots of CSS and the shortcode block), but the main issue is that the Query Loop doesn’t allow me to query event dates and times from events (which is custom post types).

    Do anyone have an idea of how I can add that to the Query loop block?

    There’s some info in this tutorial on how to modify the Query loop and the documentation for Events Manager has lots of PHP examples. I guess that it should be possible to use the PHP queries in the block, but I don’t know enough code to know how to do that.

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Query loop queries utilize WP_Query class like most post queries. You can alter the parameters of the query through “pre_get_posts” action. Virtually all queries pass through this action, so you need to distinguish your query from all others. Usually there is something distinctive about the query vars you could check.

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