I am not part of support… just some dude…
I think you might want an Events list with a shortcode like this..
[events_list limit="4" offset="1"]
I haven’t used the widget for Events… so I just looked at it.
And it appears there is not an option to “offset” the list..
which I think is what you are asking..
See “offset” for Search Attributes.
I looked at the file /widgets/em-events.php and it may be possible to add in an “offset” option by hard coding that file…
I haven’t tried this.. and..
the standard disclaimer “Changing core files is not recommended… etc etc..”
The other, and probably preferred method would be to create an Event List with the search attribute “offset”.
See this thread..
Now.. if you wanted to have all that in a shortcoded widget.. and put it in a sidebar..
In this thread look to where I explain using the “Text Widget”… and possibly using another useful plugin “Short Code Any Widget”
Link to plugin –> https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/amr-shortcode-any-widget/
See this thread… where I discuss the use…
You may not need to use the above mentioned plugin… and just use the “Text Widget” to put your Event List.. where you want it.
Or simply use the short code I first mentioned..
[events_list limit="4" offset="1"]
Hope that helps… and you get it sorted out.