• Hi to everyone,
    My wordpress site is Marcnshawn, my current problem is every post i made become RSS and i click my post header. For example : Frankness. As you can see it just become a RSS subscribe. I have tried to change to default theme, disabled all plugins, off wp-supercache. However to no valid.

    Hope to receive your replies and solution!


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  • Thread Starter shidevil


    Okay it’s working now ?? can’t identify the problem. but something with XML.

    Thread Starter shidevil


    Well i have deleted my sitemap.xml and sitemap.xml.gz… Still not working. Can’t identify the problem.. anyone can help?

    Thread Starter shidevil


    Well need more suggestion..

    Thread Starter shidevil


    OKay! i need help. If i remove my .htaccess. I will get a error 404.
    IF i put it back my page all become RSS.

    This is my .htaccess
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    Moderator James Huff


    Well, the sitemap.xml and sitemap.xml.gz files are your XML sitemaps for search engines like Google. The have no direct interaction with the blog, so they could not be the cause of your post links directing you to an RSS feed.

    Your .htaccess files contains the rules directing a visitor to WP’s internal rewrite system, which is what makes the permalinks work. So, if you remove that, your permalinks won’t work, hence the 404 errors. If that’s all that you have in your .htaccess file, then that can’t be the cause either.

    I just checked your blog again, and it’s working perfectly for me. Another thing to point out is that all of your posts have comments, which means that it’s working fine for other people too.

    Are you sure that the problem is not on your end? Have you tried browsing your blog on a different computer yet?

    P.S. Nice music!

    Thread Starter shidevil


    macmanx: thank you for the clarification. Well i do not know if it is my problem. However i will clean install my wordpress and try again.

    Sorry I dont have anything to add but It is doing it to me again in FF (it was working fine yesterday and at my work computer) but not in Chrome still. I set my user agent in FF to pretend it is Chrome but it will showed RSS. Chrome doesn’t have a built in RSS reader that may have something to do with it.

    And now Chrome is showing RSS too. It’s like after I visit a few times in FF now Chrome becomes RSS too. Caching?

    Moderator James Huff


    Nice catch, Dralezero!

    Shidevil, I’m willing to bet that the problem is being caused by WP-Super-Cache.

    Thread Starter shidevil


    Macmanx: Okay i will uninstall fully WP-Super-cache.

    Dralezero: Thank you i will try it!

    Thanks for your help guys!

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