• Resolved akgt


    Ewww + Litespeed
    Can I/shoould I use both together?
    also if I delete EWWW will this delete all the images?

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  • Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Do you mean on a Litespeed server, or are you talking about the Litespeed Cache (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/litespeed-cache/) plugin?

    In either case, removing EWWW IO doesn’t remove any images from your server.

    Thread Starter akgt


    Litespeed Cache
    is it ok to use Ewww with this plugin or is it better to use the LiteSpeed cache built-in image feature?

    will I have duplicate images if I use both ?

    also if I needed how do I delete the image optimized and converted by ewww

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    You should only use EWWW IO or LS for the image optimization, but here are my thoughts on which is better.
    First off, I believe LiteSpeed only lets you optimize images 200 at a time, and there are some limitations in regards to fast/standard queue and quotas on the fast queue. EWWW IO has no limits on the number of images and you can do them all at once with our bulk optimizer.
    But, Litespeed does let you use lossy compression for free, which would help you save storage space if that’s a concern. Otherwise, both do WebP conversion free, and if you signup for our paid plans, you get our full lossy compression for the best savings/quality ration possible (still with no image compression limits).

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