• Resolved francoisbessette


    I am testing a WP installation on my laptop, using local.

    PHP 7.4.30, WP 6.4.3

    I installed the mc4wp plugin. I configured my Mailchimp account, generated an API key, added it to the plugin, it is connected and happy. It reports that my list has 3 subscribers, which is exact.

    In a separate custom plugin, I am adding php code to use the programmatic API in the file mailchimp-for-wp/includes/class_mailchimp.php. I have some success. For instance I can call
    ? ? $subscriber_count = $mailchimp->get_subscriber_count($list_id);
    and I successfully get 3 subscribers, which is exact. However when I call certain APIs such as this one
    ? ? $has_subscriber = $mailchimp->list_has_subscriber($list_id, “[email protected]”);

    the code crashes with the following exception:

    [12-Mar-2024 03:47:37 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Exception: No service named api was registered. in C:\Users\franc\LocalSites\cac2\app\public\wp-content\plugins\mailchimp-for-wp\includes\class-container.php:38
    Stack trace:
    #0 C:\Users\franc\LocalSites\cac2\app\public\wp-content\plugins\mailchimp-for-wp\includes\functions.php(28): MC4WP_Container->get('api')
    #1 C:\Users\franc\LocalSites\cac2\app\public\wp-content\plugins\mailchimp-for-wp\includes\class-mailchimp.php(557): mc4wp('api')
    #2 C:\Users\franc\LocalSites\cac2\app\public\wp-content\plugins\mailchimp-for-wp\includes\class-mailchimp.php(209): MC4WP_MailChimp->get_api()
    #3 C:\Users\franc\LocalSites\cac2\app\public\wp-content\plugins\acc-outaouais\acc-outaouais.php(75): MC4WP_MailChimp->list_has_subscriber('20588efba1', 'francois.besset...')
    #4 C:\Users\franc\LocalSites\cac2\app\public\wp-content\plugins\acc-outaouais\acc-outaouais.php(93): accou_register_new_user_to_mailchimp('dummy')
    #5 C:\Users\franc\LocalSites\cac2\app\public\wp-settings.php(473): include_once('C:\\Users\\franc\\...')
    #6 C:\ in C:\Users\franc\LocalSites\cac2\app\public\wp-content\plugins\mailchimp-for-wp\includes\class-container.php on line 38

    Why would a service inside the mc4wp plugin not be defined? Any idea what is wrong here? I know I am supplying the right API key and list because they are the same as used by the mc4wp plugin. And I tried them using this curl command and it worked:

    curl --request GET --url https://us18.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists/20588efba1/members/ --user anystring:64xxxxx54a3-us18

    I tried deactivation of most plugins, and spent quite a bit of time searching online for an answer, but could not find one. Here is the code I am using. I am also wondering, do I really have to hardcode the API key here? The installed and configured mc4wp has the API key already, why would I have to pass it again programmatically to the plugin?

    require_once WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/mailchimp-for-wp/vendor/autoload.php';
    if(!class_exists('MC4WP_MailChimp')) {
        wp_die('Please install and activate Mailchimp for WordPress (MC4WP) plugin.');
    define('MC4WP_API_KEY_FOR_ACCOU', '64xxxxxxxx4a3-us18');
    function accou_register_new_user_to_mailchimp($user_id) {
        error_log("inside accou_register_new_user_to_mailchimp...");
        $api_key = MC4WP_API_KEY_FOR_ACCOU;
        error_log("The key is $api_key");
        $mailchimp = new MC4WP_MailChimp($api_key);
        $list_id = "2xxxxxx1";
        $email = "[email protected]";
        $subscriber_count = $mailchimp->get_subscriber_count($list_id);
        error_log("Mailchimp has $subscriber_count subscribers");
        //!!!!! if uncommented, the next line causes an exception !!!!!
        $has_subscriber = $mailchimp->list_has_subscriber($list_id, "[email protected]");
        error_log("has subscriber = $has_subscriber");

    Other questions I have:

    • Is there documentation on the public programmatic functions provided by the plugin?
    • Do I have the right way to include dependencies?
    • Am I passing the right parameter to new MC4WP_MailChimp()?
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  • Plugin Contributor Lap


    Custom code like this is out of scope for the support we provide on this forum. This API isn’t well documented and could potentially have breaking changes in future updates, so use it at your own risk.

    For many cases use of the API isn’t needed and other hooks that are officially supported may be a better option, see https://github.com/ibericode/mailchimp-for-wordpress/tree/main/sample-code-snippets

    If you tell me what you want to use the API for? Maybe I can help you find another better supported way to get there.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter francoisbessette


    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly!

    The reason I am using the plugin programmatically is because users do not subscribe on my web site. I am part of a outdoor club and we are under the umbrella of a national organization which takes care of the registration. So my web site receives the membership information using a REST API. When I receive the notification for a new user, I want my PHP code to subscribe him to my local mailchimp list. I am pushing so that eventually the national organization could directly use the mailchimp API to hook to my local Mailchimp account, but I am not sure if it will ever happen. 

    Could you point me to sample code snippets that call the list_subscribe() function, or use a hook to do so? 

    You mentioned hooks, did you mean WordPress hooks?  Is there documentation on them?

    Many thanks for your help!


    Plugin Contributor Lap


    Thread Starter francoisbessette


    Thanks Lap, this indeeds seems like a very relevant code snippet. I modified my code, and on the first call I do which is mc4wp_get_api_v3() I get an warning about an undefined constant MC4WP_PLUGIN_DIR and the plugin eventually hits a fatal error because of this undefined constant. So the code is essentially only 2 lines and gives this error:

    require_once WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/mailchimp-for-wp/vendor/autoload.php';
    if(!class_exists('MC4WP_MailChimp')) {
        wp_die('Please install and activate Mailchimp for WordPress (MC4WP) plugin.');
    $api = mc4wp_get_api_v3();
    [12-Mar-2024 18:57:56 UTC] PHP Warning:  Use of undefined constant MC4WP_PLUGIN_DIR - assumed 'MC4WP_PLUGIN_DIR' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in C:\Users\franc\LocalSites\cac2\app\public\wp-content\plugins\mailchimp-for-wp\includes\functions.php on line 44
    [12-Mar-2024 18:57:56 UTC] PHP Stack trace:
    [12-Mar-2024 18:57:56 UTC] PHP   1. {main}() C:\Users\franc\LocalSites\cac2\app\public\wp-admin\admin-ajax.php:0
    [12-Mar-2024 18:57:56 UTC] PHP   2. require_once() C:\Users\franc\LocalSites\cac2\app\public\wp-admin\admin-ajax.php:22
    [12-Mar-2024 18:57:56 UTC] PHP   3. require_once() C:\Users\franc\LocalSites\cac2\app\public\wp-load.php:50
    [12-Mar-2024 18:57:56 UTC] PHP   4. require_once() C:\Users\franc\LocalSites\cac2\app\public\wp-config.php:163
    [12-Mar-2024 18:57:56 UTC] PHP   5. include_once() C:\Users\franc\LocalSites\cac2\app\public\wp-settings.php:473
    [12-Mar-2024 18:57:56 UTC] PHP   6. accou_register_new_user_to_mailchimp() C:\Users\franc\LocalSites\cac2\app\public\wp-content\plugins\acc-outaouais\acc-outaouais.php:95
    [12-Mar-2024 18:57:56 UTC] PHP   7. mc4wp_get_api_v3() C:\Users\franc\LocalSites\cac2\app\public\wp-content\plugins\acc-outaouais\acc-outaouais.php:63
    [12-Mar-2024 18:57:56 UTC] PHP   8. mc4wp_get_api_key() C:\Users\franc\LocalSites\cac2\app\public\wp-content\plugins\mailchimp-for-wp\includes\functions.php:87
    [12-Mar-2024 18:57:56 UTC] PHP   9. mc4wp_get_options() C:\Users\franc\LocalSites\cac2\app\public\wp-content\plugins\mailchimp-for-wp\includes\functions.php:74

    I assume I dont have the right way to load the dependencies. Can you help me with this? I assume all those code snippets examples must have a standard way to include or require mc4wp files, but I could not find it. Thanks again for your help!

    Plugin Contributor Lap


    Where exactly are you adding this code to your WordPress site?
    Are you installing it as a plugin, or using the code snippets plugin (if so with what settings) or a child theme? Or are you running this code outside of WP?

    Thanks for letting me know.

    Thread Starter francoisbessette


    The code ideally lives in a plugin I am developing. I tried the snippet you pointed me to and placed it in the theme function.php file and it worked fine. I was able to subscribe a new user to my mailchimp list! Very happy to see that. So the only remaining thing is how I can run the snippet within my plugin. I would prefer that because it is easier to install, share with others and version control (using github). I am just not sure which include or require statements to use and in which order so that when wordpress tries to execute my code it knows about your plugin functions and constants.

    Plugin Contributor Lap


    Maybe your plugin is executed before the MC4WP plugin is loaded?
    Have a look at https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/hooks/plugins_loaded/

    Other than that I can imagine it’s possible to write a plugin in a way that it doesn’t load the WordPress eco-system (eg somehow not executing the theme / wp-head and wp-footer actions and such).

    I hope I’ve steered you in the right direction with this, and otherwise you could always fall back to using a plugin like wp code snippets. As I mentioned a few replies ago, debugging custom WordPress code is out of scope for our free support.

    Thread Starter francoisbessette


    Thanks a lot for your guidance, this has been helpful!

    Thread Starter francoisbessette


    In order to close this thread and in case others read this in the future, I will explain what was the problem and the solution.

    I lack WordPress experience and did not fully understand how the code is loaded. I found this good video #3 Understanding WordPress Core | How Plugins Are Loaded In WordPress | Make Sense Of WP Core – YouTube and now I better understand the problem. I used to have code such as this

        $api = mc4wp_get_api_v3();

    straight in my personal experimental plugin. Not inside a function or a class, just straight inline. This was getting executed very early and most likely before the mc4wp was loaded. The solution is to put the code inside a function that is called by a hook, and this will happen when all plugins are loaded. Done this way, the mc4wp functions are directly accessible and work fine. Here is the sample working code. The action ‘xyz_member_welcome’ is from another custom plugin and happens when a new user is added in the wordpress database.

    add_action('xyz_member_welcome', 'xyzou_register_new_user_to_mailchimp');
    function xyzou_register_new_user_to_mailchimp($user_id) {
        $mailchimp_list_id = "1234512345";
        $api = mc4wp_get_api_v3();
        $use_double_optin = false;
        $user = get_userdata($user_id);
        $merge_fields = array(
            'FNAME' => $user->first_name,
            'LNAME' => $user->last_name,
        $subscribe_params = array(
            'email_address' => $user->user_email,
            'status' => 'subscribed',
            'merge_fields' => $merge_fields,
        try {
            $subscriber = $api->add_list_member( $mailchimp_list_id, $subscribe_params);
        } catch( \MC4WP_API_Exception $e ) {
            // an error occured
            // you can handle it here by inspecting the expection object and removing the line bwlo
            throw $e;

    Plugin Contributor Lap


    Thank you for sharing!

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