Hi Luca,
I appreciate you responding to my question. I understand you are a busy man (like the rest of us), but is there any chance you could give me a rough estimate on when we would be seeing the text wrapped around the thumbnail option for mobile devices?
Coming in future versions of the plugin is a little concerning for me, it could be six months or maybe a year? Next week, next month? Any clue’s?
I really like your plugin, very impressed with all the options to configure, just a little disappointing on the mobile phone, i dont think it looks very good with the post title and excerpt text below the thumbnail image.
Thumbnail-image White Space-White Space-White Space-White Space-White Space
Thumbnail-image White Space-White Space-White Space-White Space-White Space
Thumbnail-image White Space-White Space-White Space-White Space-White Space
Thumbnail-image White Space-White Space-White Space-White Space-White Space
Post Title-Post Title-Post Title-Post Title
Makes the sidebar on mobile much longer than it needs to be and leaves voids of white space.
I understand there may be issues wrapping the text but its something that cant be overlooked nowadays. You Have all of these great options for configuring the type of information displayed in the sidebar with recent posts etc but it seems little work has gone into styling it for mobiles.
I hope we see the Text wrapping around the thumbnail image soon as id like to continue to use the plugin. If its not being released anytime soon please let me know as im not sure i can continue using without.
Thanks Again for your time and your fantastic product. I hope we see these changes soon.