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  • Plugin Author Hal Gatewood


    Try using excerpt_length="50"

    Hi, I am struggling with this also.
    I want to excerpt testimonials in a rotator because some testimonials are really long and others are quite short.

    I have used this but no joy:

    [testimonial_rotator id=18237 excerpt_length="50"]

    After having issues with this and messing around with it I noticed that the flag for
    show_size must be set to excerpt or it doesn’t work on the shortcode.

    So example:
    [testimonial_rotator id=2716 show_size=”excerpt” excerpt_length=”10″]

    On the Default Template of the rotator this is true in loop-testimonial.php :
    // CONTENT
    if( $show_body )
    echo “<div class=\”testimonial_rotator_quote\”>\n”;
    echo ($show_size == “full”) ? do_shortcode(nl2br(get_the_content(‘ ‘))) : testimonial_rotator_excerpt( $excerpt_length, $link_text );
    echo “</div>\n”;

    It may be in other places too, but this is where I noticed that the flag for show_size needed to be set for it to work as well. Took a bit to find this issue… It would be great if this is the case if Hal could put it into his documents somewhere, or change the functionality so its’ not needed in the shortcode. IE if an excerpt length is set, assume it is excerpt…

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