• Hi everyone,
    I just installed WordPress. I have the following question – I want to use it for publishing my writings (not really a weblog – rather someting like a publications section). I want to put an article resumer (excerpt) for each article on the main (front) page and when the user clicks on the title/body of the excerpt to go to the whole article. How can I do this?
    10x in advance.

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  • Write the openning paragraph out in the post box, then after this add <!–more–> (no spaces) and then continue with the article.
    What you’ll get is an effect such as this….
    Where you have to click (more…) to read the rest of the article.

    What ragey tried to say was to do something like this:
    Here is my excerpt text. Blah blah blah….
    And here is the rest of the full text of my
    article, where I expound on the poetic
    qualities of Play-Doh…
    But my article is really long, so it requires…
    several pages.

    Oh, but it still ate some of the code. There are supposed to be <b>2</b> dashes after the exclamation marks and before the closing angle brackets.
    less-than, bang, dash, dash, ‘more’, dash, dash, greater-than

    ok guys ??
    10x, but what do I need to put in my template?

    What do you mean in your template?
    The function works automatically, with no extra code

    you can use ?php content(“read the full story”,””,””); ?> to customize the link to the complete text
    more instructions are in the readme.html file ??

    10x guys ??

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