I’m very sorry for the troubles you have experienced, nattyroy, but I would really like to figure out what happened on your site, because I can guarantee you that this is not something that should ever happen with WP-Lister, at least “out of the box”.
You say that you think a large “product template” and product images would be responsible for that, but I don’t quite understand what you mean by that. There are no templates attached to a product in WP-Lister for Amazon, listing templates only exist in the eBay version. WP-Lister for Amazon has _feed templates_, but those don’t take up that much space and you only need one per category, not per product.
And product images would only take up any more space than before if you would start with an empty WooCommerce site and _import_ listings from Amazon. But even then, and even if every one of your 650 products had 100 high res images attached to it, it could never possibly fill 8GB just with images.
That’s why I do believe that this would be caused by something else, and the only thing that has every caused excessive disk space usage in the past is logging, which is disabled by default.
Are you sure that you haven’t enabled the database log option on the developer settings page? That _could_ actually lead to that problem, but only after quite some time – and the database log is something that our support often asks users to enable temporarily to investigate a particular problem they are having.
But it does not sound as if you had contacted support, have you? It’s what I would highly recommend in the first place, but even now. If you send us a support request via https://www.wplab.com/request-support/ you can be sure to get a reply within 24 hours (except weekends), usually much faster. I couldn’t find any ticket about this, but during normal hours on a weekday you should have someone looking into this within hours, and it shouldn’t take very long to identify and fix an issue like this.
So if you still feel that you spend some effort on setting up WP-Lister and assigning ASINs, I would suggest you contact us directly and we will look into get this problem fixed, once and for all. We have users with 10.000 items and more, and nobody every had any issues with disk usage that was in any way connected to the number of products. 650 items is not very much and WP-Lister should be able to handle them perfectly fine, even on a less powerful web server.
kind regards,