• Resolved Shaun1733


    hi we are trying to use the plugin for a affiliate to send new traffic to my site . is there a way that you can stop an affiliate from getting paid for someone who is already register on my site, even if the go through there link .existing account holder

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  • Plugin Support mbrsolution



    is there a way that you can stop an affiliate from getting paid for someone who is already register on my site

    Can you clarify the above further.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter Shaun1733


    if you are a customer of mine already registered on my website and i give lets call him john , affiliate link to generate new customers. if an existing customer buy a product by clicking john affiliate link then john get paid ,but the customer is already registered
    [i want to stop existing customer buying from a link to generate money for one of them ]

    Plugin Support mbrsolution


    Hi, have you enabled the following feature Disable Own Referrals. This is located under Settings -> Advanced Settings.


    Thread Starter Shaun1733


    you are not understanding me fully
    if i have a shop or club who has a existing customer membership or base registered eg people who already shop there and i give one customer a affiliate link say 10 percent earnings on every new customer he gets for me to generate a new line of business
    i want to be able for people who are already registered on my site not to use his affiliate link just to generate money for him because they are existing customer not new ones

    Plugin Support mbrsolution


    Hi, I think I understand now what you mean. As far as I know you can’t control how the link is shared. All you can do is monitor and control how the commission is paid. Let me know if this makes sense to you.


    Plugin Author affmngr


    @shaun1733, This is not possible at the moment.

    Thread Starter Shaun1733


    do you think it is something you would be introducing

    Thread Starter Shaun1733


    if you only want your affiliate to get paid for a certain length of time and not forever is there a way to set
    so your affiliate get you a customer today, they will only get a percentage of sale for a certain amount of time and not for ever

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