@santiagouzal77 You can’t use strings to exclude a mapped domain. The strings function looks through the rest of the URL after the domain.
I’m not aware of a feature in WP Super Cache that allows excluding a specific site on multisite. However, I have used the following in page templates to exclude them from caching. I assume you could use it in a theme header and then all sites using that theme would be excluded. In your case what you could do is create a child theme and then add a custom header.php that is a copy of the parent theme’s but with the following code added:
define( 'DONOTCACHEPAGE', true );
Then all sites using that child theme would not be cached.
Not sure how to create a child theme? Super easy. Add a unique directory in /wp-content/themes. In your case you could call it parentthemenamedonotcache. Copy the header.php from your parent theme into this directory and edit it to include the following at the start of the php:
define( 'DONOTCACHEPAGE', true );
Then add a style.css file in that directory with the following code:
Theme Name: parentthemenamedonotcache
Theme URL: https://www.yourdomain.com/
Description: parentthemenamedonotcache is a child theme of parentthemename.
Author: Your Name
Author URI: https://www.yourdomain.com
Version: 1.0
Template: parentthemename
Tags: whatever you would like to put here.
/* Your Name No Cache Blog Theme. */
@import url(“../parentthemedirectory/style.css”);
/* Add your own css rules for this site below */
Activate the child theme in Network Themes and then activate it on the sites that you don’t want to cache. Voila.
Have a great weekend!
This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by