• Resolved roxer82


    I need to exclude some categories from main feed, so I added

    $posts = query_posts(‘cat=-1,-5,-8’);


    while( have_posts()) : the_post();

    in feed-rss2.php
    It worked, but now, categories and tags feeds show the main feed.
    ie: mysite.com/tag/moon/feed/ shows the same as mysite.com/feed/.
    Do you know how to exclude categories but keeping the feed’s functionality?

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  • Hmmm… I think this function should do the trick:

    function exclude_my_cat($query) {
     if ($query->is_feed) {
    return $query;

    You should run it from your Child Theme functions.php file.

    You should NEVER edit core WP, theme, or plugin files. The changes will be over-written anytime you update.

    Thread Starter roxer82


    Thank you very much Josh! It works perfect.
    And I’ll take your advice about WP core.

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