Hello Pauro. Here is dirty fix for this categoy excluding from Time Machine.
Find line 250 in time-machine.php and replace this code:
foreach ( $r as $post )
// prepare excerpt
if ( $tm_excerpt == TRUE ) {
$tm_post_excerpt = $post->post_excerpt;
if ( $tm_excerpt_cut == TRUE ) {
if ( $tm_excerpt_length && mb_strlen($tm_post_excerpt) > ($tm_excerpt_length+1) ) { $tm_post_excerpt = tm_substr_utf8($tm_post_excerpt, 0, $tm_excerpt_length)."…"; }
// print formated post line
if ( $options['display_commentnum'] == "1" ) { $pcount = ' (<span title="'.__("Number of comments", "tm").'">'.$post->comment_count.'</span>)'; } else { $pcount = ""; }
echo '<li>'.substr($post->post_date,0,4).': <a href="'.get_permalink($post->ID).'" title="'.__("Published at", "tm").' '.$post->post_date.'">'.$post->post_title.'</a>'.$pcount.' '.$tm_excerpt_before.$tm_post_excerpt.$tm_excerpt_after.'</li>';
with this code:
foreach ( $r as $post )
$pcats = get_the_category($post->ID);
$no_this = 0;
foreach ($pcats as $pcat) {
if ( preg_match("/(5|2)/", $pcat->cat_ID) ) { $no_this = 1; }
if ($no_this <> 1) {
// prepare excerpt
if ( $tm_excerpt == TRUE ) {
$tm_post_excerpt = $post->post_excerpt;
if ( $tm_excerpt_cut == TRUE ) {
if ( $tm_excerpt_length && mb_strlen($tm_post_excerpt) > ($tm_excerpt_length+1) ) { $tm_post_excerpt = tm_substr_utf8($tm_post_excerpt, 0, $tm_excerpt_length)."…"; }
// print formated post line
if ( $options['display_commentnum'] == "1" ) { $pcount = ' (<span title="'.__("Number of comments", "tm").'">'.$post->comment_count.'</span>)'; } else { $pcount = ""; }
echo '<li>'.substr($post->post_date,0,4).': <a href="'.get_permalink($post->ID).'" title="'.__("Published at", "tm").' '.$post->post_date.'">'.$post->post_title.'</a>'.$pcount.' '.$tm_excerpt_before.$tm_post_excerpt.$tm_excerpt_after.'</li>';
} //no_this
And also replace in line if ( preg_match("/(5|2)/", $pcat->cat_ID) ) { $no_this = 1; }
numbers 5|2
with category ID’s you wish to exclude, separated with pipe sign |