<a href="application/x-Research-Info-Systems;charset=utf-8,TY%20%20-%20BOOK%0ATI%20%20-%20Test %0AAU%20%20-%20Follesdal %2C%20Andreas%0AY1%20%20-%202016%2F%2F%2F%0APB%20%20-%20Entelequia%20y%20Grupo%20Eumed.net%20(Universidad%20de%20M%C3%A1laga)%0AAB%20%20-%20This%20is%20a%20test.%0AER%20%20-%20"> [Cite RIS/EndNote]</a>
A possible variant would be the link merely launches a modal that contains the plain text EndNote content. These modals would be part of your page’s regular content, but hidden by CSS. JS would alter CSS to expose the content, then hide it again when OK or X is clicked.