• Exhibit 1.1 is a huge step forward in terms of admin UI.
    1.1 adds image upload/delete, directory creation/deletion, zip-file upload extraction, individual thumbnail creation, optional user-based image directories, and no post edit page reloads. I’ve fixed a bunch of stuff, too, including some umask/chmod stuff (crosses fingers), the annoying untiled floating issue, and the images appearing under the sidebar in IE.
    Everything validates as valid XHTML, both on the published side and the admin side, and all of the features of Exhibit that you’ve come to cherish remain in there.
    I moved the installation instructions into a new readme file that should explain enough to get you going. Feel free to ask questions here, though I’ll be gone over the weekend on a trip to D.C. (Darn, no Philly WP meetup for me. ?? )

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  • okay, I got gd2 working, and while it seems to have a little more functionality (the image rotate options are available now), clicking “rebuild thumbnails” still does nothing. Any other suggestions?

    Thread Starter ringmaster


    That’s pretty odd. Does Exhibit create a thumbnail if it doesn’t already exist? Does it report any error when you click the Rebuild link?

    Nope. No errors reported, it just refreshes and sits there. I never had any thumbnails in the first place (I’m just using it on my existing images directory).
    Any other ideas? It looks like a great plugin and i’d love to use it.

    Thread Starter ringmaster


    Does exhibit let you upload new files? You mentioned that Apache had write access before, but could you verify this again by uploading a new image with Exhibit?

    confirmed. The exhibit create directory and upload image functions work fine, but the “rebuild thumbnails” function does nothing.

    I’m running the latest (1.1d) version, by the way.

    Thread Starter ringmaster


    When you upload, does it not create a thumbnail for the image? Does it create the “t” subdirectory for the thumbnails? If not, try manually creating the “t” directory for the thumbnails and see if you can build thumbnails then.
    This is really weird.

    Thread Starter ringmaster


    Yes, chmod 777 on the image and t folders would be necessary. There are settings in the config file that let you do this to folders that Exhibit creates, but you have to do it to the root image folder on your own.

    the entire image directory is writable (chowned nobody and chmodded 777). I confirm that a “t” directory was made when i first uploaded an image, but its empty. All the images say “this file has no thumbnail” when you mouse over the picture icon. It would appear that something with the rendering of the thumbnail is not working. This led me to check my error_log file (which I swear I looked at before, but i might have missed it).
    I get PHP Fatal Error: Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg() in…(the exhibitimg/exhibit10f file). Is this a GD function, or is it an internal exhibit function?
    Thanks for all your help.

    Thread Starter ringmaster


    Nope, that’s a GD function. GD needs to have JPEG support compiled in if you want to work with JPEGs.
    Man, I thought I had done something seriously wrong there… Thank goodness it’s not me. ??

    okay, this is getting a bit wierd.
    I went back to my GD2 src directory, did a configure with a –jpeg-dir=/usr/lib, and it told me at the end of the configure that jpeg support was definately compiled in. However, when i did a make, there was absolutely nothing to do, which leads me to believe I had done this before. No matter, I uninstalled my previous GD install, make’d clean, and then compiled and installed this new gd version. Then I recompiled php, installed the new version, did an apachectl restart, and it still didn’t work. I then checked the logs for that error message, and realized that first, that error message didn’t happen this time, but then that that message comes up only about 5 times throughout the logs, whereas I’ve definately tried to rebuild thumbnails more times than that.
    Any idea what the heck is going on?

    Thread Starter ringmaster


    Totally and utterly clueless. I left the world of Linux-oriented recompiling madness sometime last year for the saner, DLL-riddled, security-hole-pocked shores of Windows 2003.
    A shot in the dark: Are you telling Apache to use your new PHP build instead of your old one? I recall there being some httpd.conf setting for this.
    As a hypothesis for your log issues – Exhibit verifies that the function exists at least before it tries to execute. It’s possible that you couldn’t make the thumbnails before and it didn’t report anything because it detected that you didn’t have the function. Now, you have the function but it doesn’t work right, so when Exhibit tries to use it, it generates error log entries. Wild guess.
    As I said, these Linux issues are foggy memories better forgotten for me. This is exactly why I fled Linux – I would have to depend too much on my own mettle with a server that’s 2000 miles away with an OS with which I’m not overly familiar.

    Im having a problem with this, i installed, and everything seems to work ok, until i click on one od the thumbs on the right, it wont show on the left for me to add it to the actual post. ive reinstalled it several times and the same problem. Ive used this before and it worked fine, im using wp 1.3 and exibit 1.1d

    Thread Starter ringmaster


    Be sure you’re using the version for 1.3, it’s a separate download. Not that this is guaranteed to fix your issue.

    Thread Starter ringmaster


    It seems you don’t have jpeg image handling functions compiled into your PHP. Exhibit needs those to create thumbnails.
    Not having this function wouldn’t break your site, though. So I wonder what you “fixed” to get your site back. Nothing that Exhibit caused, I’d think.

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