• Can anyone tell me why IE has to suck so badly… Aye caramba…
    Exhibit 1.1d is available.

    • Fixed preview selection problem.
    • Fixed client-side display of added images.
    • The code that Exhibit inserts into the post body when clicking on an image in the list is now configurable.
    • Added button to file-picker to add full-sized image tag to post body.
    • Added uber-popup code – Allows visitor to click through all images attached to the post without closing the popup.

    If you’re trying to do something in Exhibit and you think it should work but it doesn’t, please try it with FireFox before you report it so that I know whether to look at javascript or PHP. Please?

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  • Hi i’m having a little trouble with exhibit.
    I’m running wp 153 and the latest asy version of exhibit.
    Everything works fine except that preview is not showing in the main page (home or other multi post page).
    The small preview below the post editing area (inside the UI) displays the preview as it should but on the real page i only see the excerpt.
    Oh, and i DID tick the preview checkbox for the image in the exhibit interface.
    When viewing the post thumbs and full images (bot as popup or in page) everything works fine.
    Any clues anybody?

    I was looking into the Exhibit, but I am not sure which one to get. I saw these two versions for download:

    # Download 1.1d (asy) Here <a€“Latest for 1.5
    # Download 1.1d Here <a€“Latest

    On this page: https://redalt.com/downloads/

    But the first one, the (asy) 1.1d does not seem to have full package files. Lots of files are missing. Which one is really for WP 1.5?

    Where can I find a complete feature list or demo of the exhibit?


    Hi… I took asy and there were no directions… so I ended up with 1.1d. I can’t get it to work… and I’ve posted a couple questions. No one has offered help.

    Good luck.

    Hey, I don’t know if this will help you guys, but I got 1.1d to work properly on wordpress I used a kind of strange method that was rather messy and hacky, but hey, it worked! I described what I did here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/8106?page=4


    Thank you… thank you… lazy gallery was not the solution. It worked well but I was looking for a solution like Exhibit. Appreciated the heads up.

    ShadowMason (aka) Bill

    It caused my admin screen to go completely white when activated.

    Exhibit V1.2 has release coming soon with it fix for wordpress

    does it works with wordpress 2 version or no?

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