• Anonymous User 18062141


    Hi there!

    I do understand, that this can be done via a snippet, as described here:

    But can we have this option built-in by default? To me it makes more sense to set the expiration date based on the access instead of a certain/fixed date/time.
    Maybe this can be combined: N time after access but only valid until Y time.
    OR: N time after access, delete/deactivate “unused” (not accessed) links after Y time (for safety).

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  • Plugin Support Asmi Patel


    Hi @pumkinball,

    Really thank you for the suggestion.
    We would like to let you know that this option is indeed interesting and is already there in our feature request list but the team is doing some surveys and is evaluating the requirements, use cases, and other options as well.

    We will surely update you in case we start working on this in the near future.

    Thank You!

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