• Resolved Joe


    We have noticed that URLs for published jobs when listed show as the correct permalink, but (in a second tab on the same page) listings displaying expired jobs show as the non-permalink URL as follows:

    ‘Publish’ shortcode:
    [jobs post_status="publish" per_page="5" show_filters="false" show_categories="false" orderby="newest"]

    …displays URLs as:

    ‘Expired’ shortcode:
    [jobs post_status="expired" per_page="5" show_filters="false" show_categories="false" orderby="newest"]

    …displays URLs as:

    Any ideas?

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  • Plugin Contributor Cena (a11n)


    Hi @joewa1980 ,

    I replied to your email with this information, but adding my reply here for future public reference:

    I can confirm this is happening on my test site as well, and have reported it here:


    That will be the best place to follow for updates or comments from other users/developers.


    Thread Starter Joe


    Many thanks @cena, I will keep an eye on the Github bug report.

    Hi Cena I would like to Inform You I am Also Facing the Problem which is Permalink for Expired Job Is not Showing

    It’s Showing Something

    I would Like to set Permalink Same for expired Jobs as well as Active Jobs

    How can I Do this

    Thread Starter Joe


    @gostcoder – you will need to subscribe to the Github bug report for updates on this (as of this post date it is currently unassigned).

    Thread Starter Joe


    Just to clarify the status of this query, it is not resolved as of 26/07/2021 despite the label on the thread.

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