• Resolved hughforsyth


    Hi Frank,

    I’ve got a small compatibility issue with SuperCache. Is there any way to specify a different directory for the cache files?

    I recently updated to 1.70 and enabled the “Save aggregated script/css as static files” which I really like? I’ve now switched this off.

    The problem is that the max age was being set to 3 seconds. This ws being set by Supercache which adds the following .htaccess file to /wp-content/cache/ directory (and therefore /wp-content/cache/autoptimize).

    # BEGIN supercache
    <IfModule mod_mime.c>
    <FilesMatch “\.html\.gz$”>
    ForceType text/html
    FileETag None
    AddEncoding gzip .gz
    AddType text/html .gz
    <IfModule mod_deflate.c>
    SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.gz$ no-gzip
    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
    Header set Vary “Accept-Encoding, Cookie”
    Header set Cache-Control ‘max-age=3, must-revalidate’
    <IfModule mod_expires.c>
    ExpiresActive On
    ExpiresByType text/html A3

    # END supercache

    It’s not a fault with your plugin and maybe SuperCache should put the .htaccess in /wp-content/cache/supercache/. But an easy fix would be for me to move the Autoptimize folder to /public_html/wp-content/autoptimize.

    I’ve tried worked around this by adding a .htaccess file to /public_html/wp-content/cache/autoptimize. This worked but got deleted whenever I purged the Autoptimize cache.

    I’ve now switched back to dynamic but it would be nice to switch it back on..

    Thank you for your plugin. It’s great and the only minify I’ve ever been able to get to work well.

    The site is https://www.unitedworldschools.org/



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  • Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    In girl language; don’t worry about it. Just did another test and all is really well.

    Thank you very much Frank:-)
    I have also noticed that since I installed all this, the page source changed. When I vied that before it was in many lines, like when I view all the other sites have. But now it is on my page source all in one long line, Even the google analytic tracking code is on the very bottom and heard that according to google it has to be up. I made test on some online tool and it showed me that google analytic not found:-(
    Thank you very much Frank,

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Based on this entry in the webpagetest.org test from last friday, Google Analytics does load successfully. Do you see traffic coming in on Google Analytics dashboard?

    The fact that your entire page source is on one line, is HTML optimization. You can turn that off on the Autoptimize admin screen.

    Move on, nothing to worry about here ??


    Thank you so much Frank! You are anyway amazing!
    But the problem is that I am still getting warning in webmaster that server response time is high
    “Some URLs listed in this Sitemap have a high response time. This may indicate a problem with your server or with the content of the page”
    And truly I made the webpage test for this url:https://villasdiani.com/rent/galu-beach-hotel/
    I realy do not understand this:-( what they still want from me?

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    That’s probably for pages that are not in WP Super Cache’s cache yet, those typically take longer to load. Nothing much you can do about that (except if base page loading time is enormous, that is)

    Thank you very much Frank ?? I do not understand this. why they are not in wp super cache? will they be? I do not know what is base page, but I guess the load of it is enormous for google if he is giving me warnings:-(

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Well, a page can only be in the cache if it has been requested once before. So pages that have not requested (recently, as items are automatically removed from cache after a configurable amount of time) are not in cache, resulting in WordPress having to create that page, which in general takes considerably more time then when a page is served from cache.

    Although there is something to be said for having fast pages even when they are not in cache, I must admit that I myself am not to bothered by that. The most important pages, from a performance point of view, are the homepage and the most popular ones and those tend to be cached anyhow. So no, I wouldn’t worry too much about that either ??

    futta. you say “ah, that’s normal; the default setting (I think) is that pages are not cached for logged in users (to allow them to see any update immediately).”

    Lots of other plugins are the same. Not really sure why. What EXACTLY do they\you mean by “Logged in”? Does it mean logged into the admin panel or does it mean a registered user logged into the site?

    Good morning Futta,

    Thank you very much for your reply and sorry for my late. I am still seeking for a trouble:-)as the site is realy doing very bad:-(
    I have just dig around in my cpanel and I found there this error in public_html/misite.com/wp-content which is named advanced-cache php:

    # WP SUPER CACHE 1.2
    function wpcache_broken_message() {
    	if ( false == strpos( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], 'wp-admin' ) )
    		echo "<!-- WP Super Cache is installed but broken. The constant WPCACHEHOME must be set in the file wp-config.php and point at the WP Super Cache plugin directory. -->";
    if ( false == defined( 'WPCACHEHOME' ) ) {
    	define( 'ADVANCEDCACHEPROBLEM', 1 );
    } elseif ( !include_once( WPCACHEHOME . 'wp-cache-phase1.php' ) ) {
    	if ( !@is_file( WPCACHEHOME . 'wp-cache-phase1.php' ) ) {
    		define( 'ADVANCEDCACHEPROBLEM', 1 );
    if ( defined( 'ADVANCEDCACHEPROBLEM' ) )
    	register_shutdown_function( 'wpcache_broken_message' );

    What is wired also, that it says wp super cache 1.2 and I have 1.4

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Well, advanced-cache.php needs to be in wp-content, otherwise WP Super Cache won’t work. The fact that that file mentions “wp super cache 1.2” does not mean you’re running 1.2 (because that code indeed is in 1.4), just that a piece of the code in there got introduced with 1.2.

    Thank you very much Futta but what can I do with it? I went more then 100 times over the settings and I have it all as advised. I even check back on installation instruction but I did not find anywhere that I have to place something into wp-content or it will not work:-(

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Well, WP Super Cache is running, cfr. bottom of your HTML source;

    <!– Dynamic page generated in 1.595 seconds. –>
    <!– Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on 2013-11-22 18:55:56 –>

    <!– Compression = gzip –>

    So advanced-cache.php is bound to be there already or else it would not work? If still in doubt, I’m sure the WP Super Cache people could help you out (as WP Super Cache isn’t really *my* plugin)?

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    @venturavan; Autoptimize does not take logged in state into account (yet).

    As far as I know WP Super Cache (and ohters, I guess) considers someone as being logged on if:

    • the visitor is logged on (either as registered visitor in front-end or as author/ admin in the back-end)
    • if it is a user who commented on the blog

    For more info on this, I’m sure the WP Super Cache people can help. ??

    Thank you very much Futta,
    I am not realy getting it why is it so, but I already post it to support forum from the wp super cache. (at lest I hope I posted it into correct forum) I thought it’s all the same:-( I have quiet mixed up all this things in head.

    I wasn’t sure where to post this comment, but I just came across the issue that both you and the OP identified with Super Cache.

    I don’t know if you noticed it but there is also a 3 second ExpoiresByType at the end of the htaccess generated in the Super Cache cache folder.

    # BEGIN supercache
    <IfModule mod_mime.c>
      <FilesMatch "\.html\.gz$">
        ForceType text/html
        FileETag None
      AddEncoding gzip .gz
      AddType text/html .gz
    <IfModule mod_deflate.c>
      SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.gz$ no-gzip
    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
      Header set Vary "Accept-Encoding, Cookie"
      Header set Cache-Control 'max-age=3, must-revalidate'
    <IfModule mod_expires.c>
      ExpiresActive On
      ExpiresByType text/html A3
    # END supercache

    Shouldn’t that be changed to 3600 also?

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