• rsenecal


    There seems to be a bug in the way the Expiry restriction option calculates time (Premium Version). I was not able to unprotect the content when the Expiry Time option is set to less than about 5 – 6 hours. The content remains protected if you set an Expiry Restriction time of 10 minutes for instance.

    For longer time, content protection is lifted but there is an issue with the calculated time. If you activate the Show remaining time option, the Order Date and Expiration Date are correct but the Remaining Time is wrong (much shorter).

    For example, an Expiry Restriction time set to 7 hours displayed a Remaining Time of 1 hour at the start of the experiment but content was actually unprotected for 2 hours.

    I do like the plugin and I intend to use it on my website but these time issues are a bit annoying. I am trying to guess how much time I should enter in the Expiry Restriction option to unprotect my content for 72 hours.

    Thank you.

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