Thank you, profilegrid0
If my posts are still too verbose, please let me know and I can start looking for an editor.
I’m not trying to create an exhaustive list of “Login Logout Menu extension” placements. Rather, I’m trying to point out (what I think are) two contradictions that I ran into while trying to use the Login Logout Menu extension in a certain place. I’m frustrated because I don’t know if those contradictions come from my skill level (which I might need to improve) or the extension.
In order to understand those contradictions, it might be necessary to know how I navigate the table that the first of the above links goes to. In order to navigate the table, please know that where it says “Name of theme tested” (which is where, inside the table, it is as far to the top as possible, and as far to the left as possible) is the first row of the first column (not row zero of column zero). If there were no contradictions in the table, in the fourth column, the second row through the last row would be empty. Please let me know if it is not obvious why. If there wasn’t a second contradiction, (in column six) there would be a “Yes” in each row that there is a “Yes” in the same row in column five, after using the Feature Filter. However, maybe I shouldn’t assume that it is supposed to be that interconnected. Additionally, by making column two, I was trying to show that I don’t understand why I was only able to get the primary menu (and not able to get the menus in column four) to show, when using the first five themes in the table.
I’ve also been trying to tell how much my effort to use the Right Sidebar involves the aesthetical, which people at this support forum aren’t supposed to help with. I think that it might not only be about the aesthetical because of some of the options on part of the page (at Dashboard >> Appearance >> Themes >> Add New >> Feature Filter) that the following link goes to a picture of.
For example, two themes that both have only one Right Sidebar option might be thought of as having something in common with each other. On the other hand, if one theme only has a Right Sidebar, and another theme only has a Left Sidebar, those two themes might be thought of as being (for lack of a better word) “opposite” of each other, in a way. And, once I can start using words like “in common” and “opposite”, I feel like I am writing about something that is at least partly beyond the aesthetical. Though, I know it is my responsibility to find a theme that has the menu location that I am looking for. Still, I think it might be better if I can make those contradictions (whether or not they only exist in my mind) disappear.
In conclusion, I was looking for a systematic way to find out what the menu options are with different themes, and what I found to make columns four and five made me hopeful that there is a systematic way to do that, without knowing where to continue looking. It would be great if I could get the other named menus to show like the primary menu shows. Please let me know if I should repeat the two places where they are named, because where they are named makes me think that the extension can be used where those menus are. If I can get the extension to work by clicking on those menus (in addition to the Primary Menu), then I think it would be worthwhile to look for a theme that makes the menu I am looking for (which is the Right Sidebar menu) named.
Thank you.