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  • There is no built-in way to remove fields from the CSV export of either Download Monitor or Email Before Download. Note that both plugins have a way to export a csv file (the EBD one is going to be more useful). I don’t know how the export stuff is written in EBD … I have seen a couple pieces of code here & there that I think will have issues with UTF-8, but I could be wrong. Anyway, you could try a plain english filename & description & fill in the form in plain english and see it works for that, but probably doesn’t really help ya much.

    Thread Starter zuzu02


    It is exporting in this way. Each row in this way.
    I did not understand exactly what he wrote.

    mailadres@blabla, ?? ?§an, 51200,2016-01-04 8:23,<?xml version=”1.0″?> <posted_data><_wpcf7>50989</_wpcf7><_wpcf7_version>4.3.1</_wpcf7_version><_wpcf7_locale>tr_TR</_wpcf7_locale><_wpcf7_unit_tag>wpcf7-f50989-p51198-o1</_wpcf7_unit_tag><_wpnonce>9e92a1f490</_wpnonce><your-name>U&#x11F

    I took a closer look at the PHP code and I think exporting the log should work for non-English languages like Turkish as long as the encoding is set correctly (UTF8) in mysql and in your connection to the database. There are a lot of areas where this stuff can be wrong, so debugging is pretty difficult.

    My guess is that the file is exporting properly, but the program you are using to view the file does not know that its contents is UTF8 (UTF8 is the encoding needed for most non-English languages).

    We can check that by you trying the following. First, rename the exported log file so that it ends with .txt instead of .csv. Next, use Google Chrome and do a File / Open File and select that .txt file off your hard drive (to be clear, you are loading the file into Google Chrome, you are not going to a webpage). Ok, now you should see the log file contents in Chrome and it may still look like it did before, or it may look right. Assuming it still looks messed up with the weird characters and stuff, then choose View then Encoding from the Chrome menu and I’m guessing it will have a checkmark next to “Western”. Try selecting “Unicode (UTF-8)” and see if the text in your Chrome window suddenly looks right. If so, then everything is correct and the problem is simply that you were looking at the file using a program that didn’t realize the file was UTF-8 encoded.

    So, do the above and report back. Also, answer the following questions:

    1. What operating system are you using?
    2. What program were you using to view the .csv file (maybe Excel or a text editor or Word or something like that)?

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