I know this is off-topic for this thread, but I’m desperate. I can’t seem to find a button, link or any way of starting a question thread in the support threads. Can anybody tell me how to ask a question on this or any www.ads-software.com forum? My question is a pre-sales question I have about product capabilities. I’m logged in to www.ads-software.com, and I’ve tried subscribing to several forums, but no luck. What I am missing? Perhaps a “START THREAD” button is being suppressed for me?
To cut to the chase, I want to know if this Product Review Import/Export plugin would allow me to import reviews from my old Weebly site that I now have in a CSV. Will import have trouble if customer’s original order number is not part of the upload? In other words will there be database corruption issues if the reviews can’t be associated with an existing order already in the database, or can it just be mapped to the Product SKU only?
Thank you!