Also, I used this option to edit entries in front-end – I have a radio button field with “Accepted”, “Rejected” and “Pending” options. When I choose one, the applicant receives an email. The problem is that when I click on the update link, the entry updates, however the email is not sent. For the email to be sent, I have to click on the edit entry link, where the only thing I need to do is to click on Update entry.
This is the code:
<div class=”created_at”>[created-at][editlink page_id=13200 label=” ? Edit”]<span class=”pending”>[frm-entry-update-field id=[id] field_id=220 value=”Pending” label=” ? Pending”]</span><span class=”accept”>[frm-entry-update-field id=[id] field_id=220 value=”Accepted” label=” ? Accept”]</span><span class=”reject”>[frm-entry-update-field id=[id] field_id=220 value=”[Rejected]” label=” ? Reject”]</span></div>