• First, many thanks Marco for your useful plugin.
    I’m trying to use the values of some variables values after calculated in your webdados_fb_open_graph() function.
    So I’ve added an external class to export these values in a file called:
    Here’s the code:

    if ( ! class_exists( 'wonderm00n_og_export' ) ) {
      class wonderm00n_og_export {
        public static $instance;
        public $locale;
        public $title;
        public $url;
        public $type;
        public $desc;
        public $image;
        public $image_additional;
        public function __construct() {
          self::$instance = $this;
        public static function get_instance() {
          if (self::$instance === null) {
            self::$instance = new self();
          return self::$instance;
        public function save_external( $locale, $title, $url, $type, $desc, $image, $image_additional ) {
          $this->locale = $locale;
          $this->title = $title;
          $this->url = $url;
          $this->type = $type;
          $this->desc = $desc;
          $this->image = $image;
          $this->image_additional = $image_additional;
      } // end class wonderm00n_og_export
    } // end class_exists
    $wm00nOgExp = new wonderm00n_og_export();

    And few lines just before the end of webdados_fb_open_graph() function:

    function webdados_fb_open_graph() {
      include_once 'includes/class-wonderm00n_og_export.php';
      $wm00nOgExp->save_external( $fb_locale, $fb_title, $fb_url, $fb_type, $fb_desc, $fb_image, $fb_image_additional );
      echo $html;

    In this way I can refer to any of these variable in my pages, after that action wp_head fires. For instance :

    $canonical = "";
    if(class_exists( 'wonderm00n_og_export' )) {
      $wm00nOgExp = wonderm00n_og_export::get_instance();
      if(isset($wm00nOgExp->url)) $canonical = $wm00nOgExp->url;

    It should be better if you could calculate these values before wp_head action, to be useful also for other wp_head functions.

    Hope you can integrate this code, or something like this, in your future release of the plugin.


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