• Since I don’t know PHP very well yet, I’m thinking switching blogware.
    How can I export my posts from WordPress into a text file of some sort?
    Thanks in advance.

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  • If you have phpmyadmin, simply export all your entries to an .sql file.
    If you do not, then install the OneClickBackup plugin which will perform the same task.
    Saving any images folders will then give you all the information you need to move tools.
    As for “Why can’t someone make a WP-MT import tool”, the answer is anyone can, but the emphasis should not necessarily be on the devs to do that.

    There’s no need to “lock” anyone in to WordPress, it stands on its own merits. No one makes or loses money if you use WordPress or not. We do this because we love doing it. We don’t have any propietary storage formats or obscufated code, anyone is free to do anything with the data they want, and they do. There are WordPress import tools for other systems (though they’re all lossy at the moment). Also remember WordPress content is available through the same standard APIs (blogger, metaweblog) as everyone else.
    An export function has been planned out and the code has been assigned to someone, and as far as I know he has been working on it. When everything is done you’ll be able to export and import to RSS/Atom and to a custom lossless XML format.
    Insinuations about the motivations of WP developers is uncalled for and not productive toward what we’re all trying to do here: make WordPress better.

    Thread Starter Sandman


    I’m glad I moved to WordPress, I’m just intimidated by the SQL database.
    Thanks for all the hard work put into WP…I’m a happy user.

    I can think of all sort of reasons why having the ability to Export from WordPress to the mt-import format is handy. It certainly saves time typing in entries when testing a design.

    Hmm.. I’m having trouble with the script.. I’m getting a blank page. Any help? Thanks.

    Can any-one throw me a life-line? Much appreciated!

    what I just did is simply edit wp-rss2.php since I don?′t use it anyway (lol too bad for people who do :P). Ofcourse I guess you could simply copy that file and then edit it. You can ofcourse change the way the output is made. Instead of some kind of XML you could make an output of for example normal HTML, it?′s real easy. Then you can include it in any other PHP file, or simply link right to it.

    Has anyone since then created an easy Export from WordPress plug in?

    I’d like to switch hosting services but exporting SQL and restoring it doesn’t look fun or easy. Switching hosts with MT was super easy!



    I have a similar itch! I quickly need to export my individual posts into .doc or similar format so I can turn my online poetry blog into an offline document, suitable for book* publishing. Any help gratefully recieved.

    *Yeah, I know. A book? How quaint…

    You might want to take a look at what Khaled has done and is doing:
    and the other posts there and the comments.



    That’s great thanks, I’m planning to do the LuLu thing also, it looks really good and easy to manage so I”l drop the guy a line and see how he got on. My main problem is that I’ve got 365 posts/poems to format and prepare. Not sure I’ll stay sane if I have to cut and paste every one individually.

    It’s actually quite interesting to see that crossing back over to print is not as easy as you think it might be.



    There is an WordPress Export plugin that exports to Movable Type or SQL and it works very well. For the 1.5 or older version go to the author’s page

    For a 2.0 version with added Export to XML and Export to Wikipedia functionality go here

    What if my Blog is hosted on WordPress and I want to export the content including posts, comments and categories?

    If you post is on wordpress.com, then currently you can only export posts, not comments. Matt has mentioned an exporter is near to release though.

    I desperately need help with this. I’m regularly getting shut out of my blog by my host, due to database issues. I have the latest version of WP running. I have the latest version of wp-cache installed and running. I’ve eliminated plugins to the point that I only have two that engage the database: Brian’s Recent Comments and Nicer Related Posts.

    I desperately need to export my content from WP so that I can at least test it on some other platforms. I know that’s not a popular move around here, and I haven’t gotten a lot of help here the other times I’ve asked, but it’s something I need to do to determine how things might work in another environment.

    Changing hosts isn’t going to do it. I’ve changed hosts before (I’m on my third now) and tried different configuerations of WordPress with and without plugins at each host. I’ve had the same problem every time; no matter what host, no matter what plugins I do or don’t use. I can’t keep going from host to host.

    I’ve tried the wp-export plugin, after searching Google to find instructions on how to get it to work in the newest version of WordPress. I couldn’t get it to work. I got an error message and my browser hung up so bad I had to restart it. I’ve tried the existing script, but haven’t been able to get it to work either. And neither of the two options above are supported anymore anyway.

    I tried the newer wp-export-to-wiki plugin, and had the same problem.

    I’m down to attempting to export my database and then import it onto a local WP install on my computer and then see if I can get the plugin to work.

    After that, if it doesn’t work, I’m going to have to hire someone to do it for me.

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