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  • Hi @mpbaweb,

    We don’t currently have a built in way to export FooGallery Galleries but you may be able to do it the following way.

    Note that I haven’t tested this specifically with FooGallery. However, I’ve used this process successfully with other Custom Post Types many times and it should work with FooGallery galleries as well.

    1) Please make a full backup of your existing website.

    2) Go to Tools -> Export and select “Galleries” to export.

    This will let you download an xml file with all of the FooGallery galleries on your existing website.

    3) Fully backup your new site (that you want to import to) just in case.

    4) Make sure you have FooGallery installed and activated on the new site.

    5) Install the WordPress Import plugin by going to Tools -> Import and following the instructions.

    6) Import the XML file you previously downloaded via Tools -> Import.

    You will be asked if you want to download all associated media – select “Yes” for this. Note that this will only work if the media files are directly accessible via the internet. If your original site is behind a firewall or not accessible then the images won’t be downloaded.

    7) Once complete you should have all of your FooGallery galleries on the new site. You can then delete any of the galleries you didn’t want imported. You will also likely need to manually delete any of the images you didn’t want to import.

    I can’t guarantee that the above method will work, but it should.

    Note that the above solution falls outside the scope of support for our free plugins so we are unable to provide direct support for this. Please do make sure you backup both your original and new websites first, just in case you need to roll back.

    I’m really in need of help (urgently).

    I run a WordPress site: Destinali. I need to change the theme to a new, faster one. However, when I install the new theme and Import demo content, the site doesn’t present well at all.

    I’m thinking of a way of doing a fresh install without losing my pages and posts. My question is: If I export my content, run a fresh install, and Import back the content, will the post and pages permalinks stay the same? Is this going to impact my SEO negatively?

    Thanks for your help.

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