Export product fields (variations)
I own the plugin Advanced Product Fields for WooCommerce and I am looking for a plugin which will export orders by their Product Fields (parent). For example:
I receive a new order and its variations are (color = blue, color fish = red) and I want to have in final export csv that things -> Only VARIATIONS (not products and their variations) with blue color in one CSV and only variations with red color in the second csv. I know how to display only variations for example with red color but I need to have in csv only variations that matches with one color not the full product variations.Here are the screens:
https://prnt.sc/1zx3r20 <- single product page (variations)
https://prnt.sc/1zx3vdj <- that is what final .csv file should look likeIs this possible to achieve with some code or nah? Thanks for you help.
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