To be honest I am not good in writing functions… I start to understand why its formulated and how it works but my knowledge is to little. So thank you for your example i will look at it and play with it.
I will update my files in a few minutes. I do have a point of the core files what I think has to change a littlebit. When you put the shortcode in a page or post you get 4 extra areas for the the settings. Thats very nice. But there is one thing you cannot influence.
When people subscribed to the list and come back there is a message telling:
” You have already added your signature” I did find this code on line 545 of lh-signing.php.
Now, I edited manually this to look better. I replaced that line with:
<blockquote>Hoi, u bent weer bij het IK STEM NIET biljet uitgekomen. Het ziet ernaar uit dat uw stem al geregistreerd is. Alle stemmen samen zullen een grote groep vormen die echt verschil kunnen gaan afdwingen. U kunt natuurlijk nog wel de site delen!</blockquote>
Sorry tekst is in Dutch. Now it looks better with the rest of my site style.
So, it would be really nice and awesome if you can edit or change that text also. Like a fifth small box on the page or post with the shortcode. Some people want different things like me and then you can make it without changing during updates.
And what I am wondering.. are there shortcodes to put in the mail or in the confirmed messages to put in and show name or email or whatever detail of the subscriber to make it more personal.
About the documentation and explaination. In the 4 boxes where you can put in your personal text.. you should place a sort of plscehorder with a short description of the possibilities. But thats only a suggestion.
I want to write a review for you. Where do you want me to write it?