Update on my issue
ACFE form is available on frontend form only as Admin uses Field group location. I used “if ( !is_admin()) {}” in form template.
ACF OpenStreetMap Field plugin version 1.4.3 – later versions produce errors
The meta_value’s – as saved in “wp_postmeta” table for same map location
a:7:{s:3:”lat”;d:-21.3840324;s:3:”lng”;d:149.225235;s:4:”zoom”;i:10;s:7:”markers”;a:1:{i:0;a:6:{s:5:”label”;s:36:”J Pitcher Road, Queensland Australia”;s:13:”default_label”;s:36:”J Pitcher Road, Queensland Australia”;s:3:”lat”;d:-21.3834102;s:3:”lng”;d:149.2239913;s:7:”geocode”;a:0:{}s:4:”uuid”;s:20:”marker_65a0abf96ea7a”;}}s:7:”address”;s:36:”J Pitcher Road, Queensland Australia”;s:6:”layers”;a:1:{i:0;s:13:”OpenStreetMap”;}s:7:”version”;s:5:”1.4.3″;}
Frontend Form
{“lat”:-21.3840324,”lng”:149.225235,”zoom”:10,”markers”:[{“label”:”J Pitcher Road, Queensland Australia”,”default_label”:”J Pitcher Road, Queensland Australia”,”lat”:-21.3834102,”lng”:149.2239913,”geocode”:[],”uuid”:”marker_65a0abf96ea7a”}],”address”:”J Pitcher Road, Queensland Australia”,”layers”:[“OpenStreetMap”],”version”:”1.4.3″}
If I edit the "wp_postmeta" table and replace the "Frontend Form" meta_value with the "ADMIN" meta_value, I can edit the event in Admin, and on frontend as permitted user, with all fields populated and displayed with no errors.
However, if the event is updated on the frontend, and, even without changing any field values, the meta_value changes back and the error returns. The event is then not editable in Admin or Frontend.
The “Fatal Error” is caused by the incorrect format of the meta_value.
How do I modify how the values are saved for the field on the frontend form submission?