Thanks for responding Meitar
I now understand the external image link is a Tumblr issue and nothing to do with your great plugin so I will mark this topic as closed.
This probably isn’t the best forum to discuss personal opinions but your statement deserves a response. Personally I’m not religious but I do try and respect other peoples faiths.
Thank you for your concern about colonialism in Africa.
As you will see from their website, the founder, who was brought up in Sierra Leone, shares your concerns.
From the home page:
“Africa has had a bad deal, slave trade, colonisation, caught between the cold war and blatant racism in high places. Yet Africans are strong, intelligent and overcomers despite the hand they have been dealt.”
The organisation help some of the poorest people in the world deal with economic and health issues. Providing health care for people with Ebola and aids and giving start up money to small business. It’s about Africans helping Africans.
Oh and thanks for amending your original post.