• sq8bgq



    I use HK Exif on my website https://www.rozenek.com and it is a great plugin – thanks for that ??

    Anyway, I would like to display more exif data. I found information that HK Exif supports ONLY exif data which is stored by WP originally (plus extra camera make).

    Can you please tell me, because I cannot find it ANYWHERE what else exif data is stored by default by WP?


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  • I would like to know as well.

    Make that the three of us. I discovered that the “copyright” data is supported.

    I found the information via another plugin.

    WordPress only stores basic EXIF information in the database.

    If you go here:

    You’ll see the other tags that are possible.

    I edited the plugin code to include ‘copyright’ and ‘credit’.

    I added the following code to the hk_exif_tags.php.

    // trying to find artist and copyright information
            if( isset($imgmeta['image_meta']['copyright']) )   $pcopyright = $imgmeta['image_meta']['copyright'];
            else                                               $pcopyright = "";
            if( isset($imgmeta['image_meta']['credit']) )   $partist = $imgmeta['image_meta']['credit'];
            else                                               $partist = "";
    //end of that

    And modified the line that displays the text to:

    $result = $result . 'Image by :'. $partist. '. ' . $pmake . ' ' . $pcamera . ' (' . $pfocal_length . ', ' . $paperature . ', ' . $pshutter . ', ' . $piso . ')';

    Good luck.

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