Extra White Space On Header.
I have the dumbest question ever. I have about a inch of a gap at the top of my webpage after i messed around with the header a little to hide menu items. Below ill show the codes for Header & What I edited on Header. The Theme is Fable (free template just google Fable Wp Theme)
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What I Changed
<ul> <li <?php if(is_home()){?>class="current-cat"<?php }?>><a class="home" href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>" title="Home"></a></li> <?php $my_pages = wp_list_pages('exclude=89,87,291,293,334'); $var1 = '<a'; $var2 = '<a'; $var3 = '</a'; $var4 = '</a'; $my_pages = str_replace($var1, $var2, $my_pages); $my_pages = str_replace($var3, $var4, $my_pages); echo $my_pages; ?> </ul>
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