• Schema tags which you can embed with simple html codes when you write your post articles on your wordpress blog , this plug in does the job for a extreme expense or is very expensive for what it does, this is just one of there money bigging plugins

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  • Plugin Author vberkel


    We are sorry that you feel that the cost of our advanced tools are expensive. We do make this free plugin available which adds all schema markup possible from the WordPress database. That means it automatically adds schema to all pages, posts, categories, author and the main blog page – for free upon installation without registration. In addition, our JSON-LD markup generator provides a user 10 free pages and has the complete schema vocabulary to extend the defaults, enabling you to add any and all schema markup to your website.

    Secondly, you should know that you can’t simply add schema markup in WordPress unless you are a developer. The Editor strips microdata tags and JSON-LD so minimally you need to write PHP to allow this.

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