Extremely slow WordPress edit.php
I described a problem I was having here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/site-with-large-number-of-post
along with a request for some info about suggested hosting requirements.I decided to poke into the underlying issue myself to see why the edit.php page was so slow in loading. I used SAVEQUERIES to find out this query was being executed:
SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE (post_type = 'my-custom-post-type' AND post_status = 'publish') ORDER BY menu_order,wp_posts.post_title ASC
This is the stack trace that executed that SQL:
WP_Posts_List_Table->inline_edit, wp_dropdown_pages, get_pages
After stepping through that code, it appears that WordPress is asking for ALL posts with my custom post type, then looping through them in several places – like with
array_map( 'get_post', $pages );
in the get_pages function.I was surprised to see this functionality – I didn’t see the point in looping over ALL posts of a certain post type. Unless I’m missing something, the only reason to retrieve information more than what is needed for the current WP_List_Table would be the count of posts for that post type for pagination/post count. But that would obviously only require a COUNT query, not a full blown SELECT *, along with looping over each post to turn it into a WP_Post object…
I performed similar test with the following scenario:
Visiting edit.php?post_type=page on 100% vanilla WP 3.5.2.
The same query is executed; same stack trace.What is the deal?? Am I correct in thinking that querying all available information for 17,000 posts, then looping over those posts with the array_map is a huge load?
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