I’m trying to achieve the same thing.
I think there’s a way of doing it by creating a second slideshow.php file (such as “slideshow2.php” and editing the page.php file to include the line from the header.php file
<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/slideshow.php’); ?>
with the relevant .php slideshow file cited. This would change ALL the pages to include the second slideshow.
HOWEVER, when I’ve tried this with the regular slideshow.php file it’s worked to the extent that one of the slideshow images comes up, but I can’t get it to scroll like the main page slideshow.
The line before the above in the header.php file is
<?php /* If this is home */ if (is_front_page()) { ?>
and I wonder if there’s a different tag that could be used to refer the “if” to a “page” not “front_page”?
Also, if creating a second slideshow file, you’d need to find a different name for the custom field it refers to: changing “image” to “photo” or something similar in the following line of the slideshow2.php file:
$values = get_post_custom_values(“image”);
if (isset($values[0])) {
That probably makes no sense, but if anyone can follow it, maybe they can see the flaw in my logic that’s preventing the slideshow from scrolling as a slideshow and give us both some guidance.
Here’s hoping!